Namo Namo The BJP PM Candidate Narenda Modi one of the hottest Search On Google , most liked on Facebook approx 1 crore Facebook users liked Narendra Modi Facebook Page , may be he become the next PM of India. He has done too many good works in Gujrat , declared best CM of Gujrat . Almost every Indian wants Narendra Modi to become PM of India . Modi Ji has said awesome lines , quotes in his rally across various states of India.Here we have added narendra modi all time top 10 quotes in both languages hindi & english. Narendra modi ji quotes with pictures and one line sms on Narendra Modi BJP Sarkaar Tagline "Abki baar modi sarkaar" . We have made this post for all Namo namo Supporters "Abki Baar Modi Sarkar" Quotes , election SmS.
Narendra Modi JI Quotes In Hindi and English :
1. Desh Ke Naujawaano Ko Berojgaar Nahi Hona Chahiye!
2. Raajneetey Mein Koi Full Stop Nahi Hota!
3. Uchit Samay Pe Uchit Nirnay Karne Mein Hi Desh Ki Bhalayi Hai!
4. Kada Parisharam Kabhi Bhi Thakaan Nahi Lata, Apiti Utsaah Lata Hai!
5. Mere Liye Raajneetey Koi Mahatavkaansha Nahi, Apitu Ek Mission Hai!
6. Mere Liye Dharma Kaam Ke Prati Nishtha Hai, Aur Nishtha Poorvak Kaam Karna Dharmik Hona Hai!
7) From experience I can say that we can make our nation corruption free. Only promises won’t help…Irade Nek Hone Chahiye.
8.Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji gave the mantra- Insaniyat, Jamhooriyat, Kashmiriyat. He based Jammu and Kashmir’s development on this, and we need to take it ahead.
9.For the poor, for those who want to serve, the only place left for such people is BJP. When someone joins the BJP family, it is not only about membership, we strengthen relationships.
10.It has become a fashion to declare a package after every crisis. The time has come to pack those who keep giving these packages that don’t reach the farmers.
Narendra Modi Quotes with Pictures :

One Line whatsapp SmS For BJP Candidate Narendra Modi "Abki baar Modi Sarkaar" :
Narendra Modi JI Quotes In Hindi and English :
1. Desh Ke Naujawaano Ko Berojgaar Nahi Hona Chahiye!
2. Raajneetey Mein Koi Full Stop Nahi Hota!
3. Uchit Samay Pe Uchit Nirnay Karne Mein Hi Desh Ki Bhalayi Hai!
4. Kada Parisharam Kabhi Bhi Thakaan Nahi Lata, Apiti Utsaah Lata Hai!
5. Mere Liye Raajneetey Koi Mahatavkaansha Nahi, Apitu Ek Mission Hai!
6. Mere Liye Dharma Kaam Ke Prati Nishtha Hai, Aur Nishtha Poorvak Kaam Karna Dharmik Hona Hai!
7) From experience I can say that we can make our nation corruption free. Only promises won’t help…Irade Nek Hone Chahiye.
8.Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji gave the mantra- Insaniyat, Jamhooriyat, Kashmiriyat. He based Jammu and Kashmir’s development on this, and we need to take it ahead.
9.For the poor, for those who want to serve, the only place left for such people is BJP. When someone joins the BJP family, it is not only about membership, we strengthen relationships.
10.It has become a fashion to declare a package after every crisis. The time has come to pack those who keep giving these packages that don’t reach the farmers.
Narendra Modi Quotes with Pictures :

One Line whatsapp SmS For BJP Candidate Narendra Modi "Abki baar Modi Sarkaar" :
- Bharastachar ko hatana ha namo namo ko jitana hai.
- Aaj ka Suvichar jitegi modi ki sarkaar
- east or west modi is the best
- peheno coat ya langoat par dena modi ji ko vote.
- Vote dene mai nahi hichkichana hai , modi ji ko hi jitana hai.
- Har Jagah hai Modi ki andhi , Jarur harega Rahul Gandhi.
- Nahi Chalegi ab Kejriwaal Ki koi chal , Modi Ji hai Bemisaal , PM banenge gujraat ke laal..
- Sunegi Aapki Pukaar one and only Modi ki Sarkaar.
- election ma modi ji ko jitana ha , bharat ko bhrastachar se mukt karana hai.
- Whatsapp , twitter , facebook pe kar do prachar ki aa rhi ha modi ki sarkar.
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